Washington DC Center of Self-Realization Fellowship

Parent-Child Room Guidelines

  • The Parent-Child Room is a place where parents can view the service while caring for babies or small children.
  • A parent or immediate family member, 18 years or older, must supervise their children at all times and is solely responsible for their care and behavior.
  • Please guide your child to maintain as much calm and quiet as possible, and to be considerate of others.
  • Please keep conversation to a minimum during the service (use “church voices”).
  • If your child is sick and believed to be contagious, please consider not using the Parent-Child Room at those times.
  • Snacks and beverages are allowed only to pacify your child. Please keep your area clean (carpet sweeper in closet).
  • Diaper changing stations are provided in the men’s and women’s upstairs bathrooms down the hall, and plastic bags are provided to remove diapers and wipes – do not place them in the trash cans. For sanitary reasons, we do not change diapers in the Parent-Child Room.
  • Parents’ service in helping to maintain a clean, organized Parent-Child Room is greatly appreciated!! Please help your child put away toys after the service.

We hope you enjoy using the Parent-Child Room. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation

The moment you realize that in all other pursuits it was God you were seeking, then you are on the path toward your Infinite Home.